Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunshine of Happiness

Its kind of weird, the time at which I write my posts, now being 4:11 am on 05 July, 2010.

But it has been that kind of a day or rather night.

Long time ago, my mother had told me that if you can find happiness in other's joy, you will be happy more often than not. At point in my life when I am facing one of my lowest lows, it is on a dark and rainy night that I have found the glow of happiness within. It is after such a long time that I am truly happy from the inside. Superficial happiness is always transitory, true happiness one can bundle and take along in one's heart like a beacon of never ending light. And this light is the sunshine of happiness, eternal and supreme. And it is even more radiant for the fact that I am for not myself but someone else.

I had a good feeling about today.

It has been that kind of a day rather night :D

