Tuesday, August 5, 2008

2 Months later.......

Well I guess I have used this opening before but what the hell...... I'm Back!
Its 2 months to the day and moksha is back with another wonderfully insane post about some crappy psychopathic thing. Well not quite! You see, I'm rather rusty from not having put fingers to keyboard for such a long time, so rather than being loquacious I would be just rambling about general events in the past two months.........
To tell you the truth, the past two months have been quite the roller coaster ride. Things have happened, causing me to confront some harsh realities about myself, and let me assure you it was not pleasant in the least. The way I have lived for the past 4 years caused me to become a complete worm in certain aspects, things which couldn't be ignored. One thing that I have realized is that whenever any person faces a non-physical dilemma, the only person who can help him/her out of it is the person himself. This is not to be taken as an attempt to be contemptuous of the efforts or the advice that my friends have given me. No. But sometimes you have to take some decisions all on your own and the more personal the decisions more is the onus on oneself to take them. There are times in ones life when he faces a impossible situations, (remember the age old adage "from the frying pan into the fire.......") then you really do not know what to do or to whom to turn. The easiest solution is to do what is right, and more often than not these decisions are somethings which cause you intense pain.
I take this pain as an absolution for all the wrongs that I have done to others, a small repayment that maybe God demands of me. There were many ways in which I could have avoided the pain, but I chose not to. My parents have always taught me that its always most important to do what is right, irrespective of the sacrifices that have to be made. So I try to do it. God knows my reasons and ultimately he shall judge me. I hope to do some good.
I guess I had mentioned that this would not be a psychopathic post but guess what it is! So as usual I bid adieu with a small quote:

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." Confucius


PS: CAT time again..... so as usual I shall be dishing out my CAT fare pretty soon!
PPS: Time to say buh-byee to loads of friends who depart for the US; Andy, Ray and Rane figuring prominently.......