Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Live regret free, at least Die trying......

Sometimes its difficult to think about a certain thing. I recently got the news today that 3 of my family elders had passed away in 48hrs. It kind of forced me to think about my own mortality. Not that its the first time I have done it. You often read that many people come face to face with their morality at a certain point in life, usually when someone close dies, and its usually when the person has reached middle age. Surprisingly, I have thought about my death from quite an early age. I am shit scared of death. Not the physical aspect of it, but just the fact after a point in time you will have no memories, no thoughts, no understanding. It is described as being a continuous dreamless sleep from which you cannot wake up. Many people find it soothing, I personally find it disturbing. I like living my life way too much to die. I sometimes think that I would be one of those who would struggle to let go of life till the very very end. I just hope my death is not drawn out and painful, and its easy on whomsoever has the misfortune to be besides me in that time.

I think I realize what everyone means when they say that life is way too short to waste it. I am 25 years old, I cannot even remember where these years have gone by. They will never come back. Do I have any regrets? Yes, a few, but I also have some really good memories and loads of stuff that I am proud of. I don't know how long or how the rest of my life is gonna be. It could be better or worse. But I would really really like to live it without any regrets. I think that is the main aim for most of us. If we can live our lives without regret, we will definitely end having a very happy life. In times of serious contemplation such as this, its easy to think about not living a life of regret. But what about every Monday morning when you head out to work, will you try and remember this philosophy and implement it? I think we use the cloak of our daily schedules to hide our fear of failure when we try and live without regrets. Should I ask that girl out that I really really like? No man, what if she says no? She won't even be my friend anymore. I think I should quit my job cause I really don't like it. Screw it man, it pays well, and I have a frigging loan to pay off. Fuck, that dude in office is pissing me off, I should go and give him a piece of my mind. Are you insane? He is close to your boss, your career is so fucked if you do something like that.

We live in constant fear. I know, cause I am afraid like nobody's business. I sometimes try to overcome the fear, most of the times I fail. I think the day I will loose this fear, I will have such a happy and fulfilling life. And believe me when I say this, I try and try to do it. But I really can't do it. I don't know why. I have so many dilemmas in mind you will not guess. I somehow need to find the inner strength to do what will help me live regret free. I need to have the guts to go up to the woman I like and tell her so. I need to be able to work in a place that I like and do the work which I think I will be happy doing, not chase a career which means I end up doing a highly paid but UN-satisfying job. Most importantly I need to have the courage to pick up my life and move on even if I fail in all things I want to do.

Meanwhile I continue to contemplate my own death and the feeling of nothingness. As I write this I am scared as hell.

"Into the valley of death rode the six hundred..."