Friday, May 9, 2008

Just another viva...... not quite.......

Well, finally its done and dusted, all the files have been submitted, all reports signed, all journals checked, all submissions sheets filled...........................
the last questions have been answered, the last fleeting smiles to the internal examiner been given, finished peeping at the folded sheet in front of the examiner trying to figure out what the grades were, its over............
But its pretty difficult realizing it, I mean it really doesn't feel as if I will never ever be giving another viva at SFIT. Without realizing, vivas have become such a second nature to most of us, its hard to let go. You know I still remember my first viva, I think it was PCOM, and goddamn it I was so bloody scared! Mrs. Vincy Joseph was our internal examiner and whom it seemed as that time as the biggest sadist of them all was our external (sorry forgot his name!). I entered the lab and Vincy mam gave me a glare...... Ohh Shit! I almost peeed in my pants man! She was asking me some questions, and as expected I really did not answer one word...... the external then took pity and asked me some basic stuff which I could answer. Strange how the sadist changed into my guardian angel :D.
I am pretty much sure that each and every one who reads this blog will have hundreds of memories attached only with vivas. Guys hold on to them, they are pretty important and special... I wish I could compile some ofthe funniest and most amazing viva memories from our class and post it up here. I promise to do that in my next post.
And yes, my vivas are over. Never again will I sit on the stairs wondering when da fuck will the external examiner turn up, or what the fuck is he/she going to ask? I have given around 20 vivas in my time at SFIT, and now I can say with a lot of pride and nostalgia that I LOVED EACH AND EVERY MOMENT OF THEM... yeah some ppl will ask how can you love vivas? hey, the scene is different from this side of the fence! Guys enjoy the ride..... its worth all the bumps and bruises that you get along the way!
And finally as it is my custom here's a little quote.......................

"We do not know the true value of our moments until they have undergone the test of memory."
-Georges Duhamel

How true, isn't it? Well goodbye engineering vivas.... I'll miss you!
and winamp just played Knockin' on heavens door...........
Cheers ppl,

PS: hey there are gonna be a lot more senti posts............heheheh! lol :P
PPS: IT-2008, please lemme know any funny memories you can think of when it comes to vivas......

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