Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My tryst with destiny - Part II

Yes I know its my third blog in as many days...... But hey if you know that, it means you actually do read my blog, so I guess you really don't have any problems with me even writing everyday huh??

Well lets not digress any further. This post acts as a sequel to this post
so without further ado... lets go......... As I mentioned in the previous post, I will have a tryst with my destiny. The funny thing is that, I won't know if that tryst is the one I am looking for unless I actually do it.
Tomorrow I go to Sydneham Institute of Management Studies aand Research at Churchgate for my Group Discussion/Personal Interview round of the admission process. Is this my true tryst with destiny? I don't know! and being the immoral SOB that I am, if I make it through tomorrow, I shall surely proclaim it to be the one. But no matter what, this day will be life changing for me (right chillar? :) ) Win or Loose, In or Out, tomorrow will go a long way in shaping my next 5-10 years. I hope the change is for the better. And just for the record, yes I am shit scared. My parents have invested a lot of time and money and patience into me and this oppurtunity, I really don't want to waste this, not for my parents, cause they will gladly do the entire thing all over again but for me. Its time I took some responsibility on my own shoulders. I have a younger brother who needs to be shaped up and moulded for his future. I don't want to be a hindrance to that anymore. I wish that God gives me the strength to give my best and do well tomorrow.

As far as the rant that i had on life in my last post... sometimes life does give you a hard deal!! things happen over which you have absolutely no control and you are left shell shocked. Some thing of that sort happened to me and I vented my frustations via that post. You know I could have easily removed that post, but no, I want this blog to be a honest reflection of my feelings. I may not be a great writer but at the very least I know I am an honest one. I saw the Rocky Balboa movie yesterday and Rocky tels his son, " Life is not all sunshine and roses........ Its not about how hard you can hit, its all about how hard you can get hit and keep coming back......."
Hey thats very true. A decision beyond anyone's control had been made, there's no changing certain facts. But I will not back down, I will not submit.... keep on trudging, fighting and climbing......
You know why??? Because in the words of ACDC..............
"its a looong way to the top if you wanna rock n roll................."


PS: thanx sid.... tu nahin hota toh mera kya hota re.......... :)

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