Friday, August 15, 2008

Independence Day.......really???

To all my fellow Indians, a very very Happy 61st Independence Day.
So guys what did you guys to for 15th August this year? I know, I know, it was a holiday, a 3-day weekend, so it was time to chill out, have a good lie-in and then just relax, right?
Its 61 years since we awoke to "life and freedom" in order to maintain our tryst with destiny. much has surely changed since then, except for one singular feature, that being the hoisting of the Tiranga, in offices, residential societies, where-not. My building had that function too.
The scheduled time was set for 10:00 AM, and the flag hoisting was to be followed by a cultural programme and "light" snacks. I make it a point to attend the flag hoisting ceremony every year, so I went down at about five minutes to 10 and big surprise, there were about only 50-odd of us gathered for the event. Now my building has 10 blocks, around 700 flats in total. Considering an average of 4 persons per flat, there are around 2800-3000 people in my building. This means that only 50/2800 i.e 1.78% of the residents thought it was important it was necessary for them to come down for the flag hoisting ceremony. Now I am not a big statistician, but I do know that the subject is based on the fact that you take a small sample, analyze it and expect it to represent the larger whole. If we apply this principle to my case, give a additional +/- 5% for errors, the result is pretty, well, shameful!
In a country of over 1.1 Billion people, only 2-7% people come out to salute the National flag?
OK, maybe that sounds a little far-fetched, but the point at issue is not my statistical analysis, it is the FACT that most of us really don't think it is important enough to get up early, have a bath and come down to salute our National flag, on our Independence day. And this fact is not limited to our National holidays. Consider an everyday scenario, you are going to watch a movie in a theater, where it is mandatory for the owners to have a rendition of the National Anthem. Tell me, truthfully, how many of you sing the National Anthem the way it is supposed to be? FLASHBACK, std VII, Civics class, the paragraph stating the way the national Anthem is supposed to be said - "The body should be erect, hands at the sides, without any movement, the National Anthem should be sung in aloud and clear voice, clearly reflecting your pride in it". I do not think that any of you ever think about these things whenever you go to watch a movie. Did you guys know that it is violation of law, not to sing the national Anthem in such a manner? Also that the National Anthem should be sung for exactly 52 seconds? If you are in class, and an NCC parade outside starts the National Anthem, would you in the middle of the class stand up and recite the Anthem? Think about it.Coming back to my local issue, what really hurt was the fact that the moment the flag hoisting was over and the snacks were announced, the number of people seemed to treble! So their patriotism was only restricted to their gastric calls?
Every Independence day we read innumerable articles about how India has progressed, how the Nation is an emerging superpower, blah blah blah.... There are so many feature films storied around the Patriotism theme. In this moolah of patriotism, have the normal citizens of the country lost the true sense of national fervor? Everyone need not be an Indian army jawan in order to show his/her patriotism. Like charity, patriotism too begins at home. The small things that I mentioned above go along way in showing how proud we are of our country. Cynics might argue that just by saluting the flag and singing the national Anthem doesn't prove thats you are a true patriot. Bingo! You do NOT have to prove your patriotism to anyone, it is for yourself to realize why you love and respect your country. There are many reasons why, here's probably the most mundane of them - Imagine if you were living behind the Iron Curtain in USSR and on a National Holiday, you never got up and saluted the flag, do you realize what would have happened? The KGB would have branded you an American spy and probably jailed you. You live in a country which gives you the freedom, if I may use the word, to NOT show your love and pride in it!
You know what I really hope for? The next time that old uncle who raised the tiranga in my building yesterday, raises it again, there should not be that look of suffering in his eyes when he realizes that today's generation doesn't seem to care about all the sacrifices that our forefathers made so that today we could sleep peacefully in our beds.
I think its time to end my post here, I take your leave with a sonnet that is as true as it was when written.

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;

Where knowledge is free;

Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow
domestic walls;

Where words come out from the depth of truth;

Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;

Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the
dreary desert sand of dead habit;

Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought
and action;

Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

-Rabindranath Tagore




PS: for all those doubting Thomases out there, I do observe the rules while singing the National Anthem and yes, once during an IMS lecture at RUIA college, I did get up midway and sing the National Anthem when the NCC band played it under our window.
PPS: This is not an idle boast, I am proud that I could muster up enough courage to do it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

2 Months later.......

Well I guess I have used this opening before but what the hell...... I'm Back!
Its 2 months to the day and moksha is back with another wonderfully insane post about some crappy psychopathic thing. Well not quite! You see, I'm rather rusty from not having put fingers to keyboard for such a long time, so rather than being loquacious I would be just rambling about general events in the past two months.........
To tell you the truth, the past two months have been quite the roller coaster ride. Things have happened, causing me to confront some harsh realities about myself, and let me assure you it was not pleasant in the least. The way I have lived for the past 4 years caused me to become a complete worm in certain aspects, things which couldn't be ignored. One thing that I have realized is that whenever any person faces a non-physical dilemma, the only person who can help him/her out of it is the person himself. This is not to be taken as an attempt to be contemptuous of the efforts or the advice that my friends have given me. No. But sometimes you have to take some decisions all on your own and the more personal the decisions more is the onus on oneself to take them. There are times in ones life when he faces a impossible situations, (remember the age old adage "from the frying pan into the fire.......") then you really do not know what to do or to whom to turn. The easiest solution is to do what is right, and more often than not these decisions are somethings which cause you intense pain.
I take this pain as an absolution for all the wrongs that I have done to others, a small repayment that maybe God demands of me. There were many ways in which I could have avoided the pain, but I chose not to. My parents have always taught me that its always most important to do what is right, irrespective of the sacrifices that have to be made. So I try to do it. God knows my reasons and ultimately he shall judge me. I hope to do some good.
I guess I had mentioned that this would not be a psychopathic post but guess what it is! So as usual I bid adieu with a small quote:

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." Confucius


PS: CAT time again..... so as usual I shall be dishing out my CAT fare pretty soon!
PPS: Time to say buh-byee to loads of friends who depart for the US; Andy, Ray and Rane figuring prominently.......

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The last vestiges of engineering..... The first drops of rain........

The bell rang and it was over, just like that. 4 years of struggle, happiness, pain, tears, joy, love, hate, fights, patch-ups and all it takes is a nanosecond to finish it off! Well its over.......
Today was just like any other, got up at 5 to revise for one last time, changed, went to Saurabh's house, studied there, went to college and sat for the paper. Gave the paper and came out. Was there actually any difference to this day? As far as the ritual goes, no there was no difference whatsoever.
But something did change today. A whole group of boys and girls grew up. We have taken that final irrevocable step into 'life' as it is called. Somehow this reminds me of the British Raj and its departure from Indian history. That was something that was incredible, astonishing, a spectacle yet something that bound an entire nation, shackled it to the ground. Now that we have found our own independence, its time to let go. But you know the last viceroy of India Mountbatten wanted the Raj to go out in all its pomp and show and glory. So be it.........
Starting from tomorrow, no actually today itself, the show begins. Its time to party people! Another month or so and God knows where we will all land up! So what say guys and gals?? Lets kick some serious ass.......I remember putting up a to-do list before my CAT exam in one of my earlier posts, so here's version 2.0:
  1. Sleep at least 10 hours a day ( note the 'day').
  2. Go to college everyday and have a blast.
  3. Watch at least 2 movies everyday.
  4. Catch every new movie using the Vodafone Tuesday offer.
  5. Join Andheri sports complex for badminton.
  6. Go for a 5 day vacation with the entire gang.
  7. Play CS every night after 12 (watch out for the next post......... :P)
  8. If find time and get through submit application for JBIMS
  9. Learn how to ride a bike
  10. Learn the guitar
  11. keep blogging....
Also this week the first drops of rains poured down in Mumbai. I find that the monsoons are the most amazing season of the four. Just the way heavens open up to satisfy the thirst of the parched earth, scorched by the summer heat, it is just such a balm for the entire world. Although I suspect there will be no one more excited about the monsoons than the Finance ministries across the world! I finally get to play in the monsoons! yipeeeeee!!!
The first drops of rain, bouncing of your hands, the smell of fresh earth, its thirst sated by the heavens, these are some things that really cannot be experienced at any other time. I was standing in my balcony (originally because 4 US chicks have come to stay in the bulding facing my balcony! :P) when the wind came from over the sea, bringing with it the smell of salt, the heavens opened up and ther it was, a small droplet of water in my palm..... gosh! Thank you God, thank you for all the seasons, especially for the monsoons!

And since this is a GYAAN blog, here are some pearls of wisdom for any of my readers who are still in college:

“You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does..."”
  1. "A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep."
  2. "Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence."
  3. "You are only young once, after that you have to think of another excuse"
  4. "College is the fountain of knowledge and the students are there to drink."
  5. "Of course there's a lot of knowledge in colleges: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors don't take much away, so knowledge sort of accumulates."
  6. "There's a kind of freedom in being completely screwed, because you know things can't possibly get any worse."

And my personal favorite:

"I learned three important things in college - to use a library, to memorize quickly and visually, to drop asleep at any time given a horizontal surface and fifteen minutes."


cheers ppl,


PS: Comps finish on the 10th.......hahhahahaahahhahahahaha
PPS: really love the last quote man...... damn kool wat say???

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The beginning of the end.......

Well, finally its here! On the 5th of June, at exactly 2:00 pm we'll finish our last paper, thereby marking the end of a journey. In remembrance of that journey, here is a small poem that I wrote myself


what ode can i give to thee,
you who are forever a part of me

what ode can i give to thee,
you who have sustained me

what ode can i give to thee,
you who have given millions memories to me

what ode can i give to thee,
you who have from darkness to light led me

what ode can i give to thee,
you who has shown me the highest highs and the lowest lows

what ode can i give to thee,
you who has been a home of 4 years to me

what ode can i give to thee,
you who has given my friends to me

what ode can i give to thee,
you who has given my life to me

Odes are for things that pass away,
you'll leave only when I do
an engineer I'll always be,
because you are forever a part of me
tell me O Engineering
what ode can i give to thee?

Well that's about it for this post....... On my way out just another sexy quote i found while surfing on the net:

Even if we are occupied with important things and even if we attain honor or fall into misfortune, still let us remember how good it once was here, when we were all together, united by a good and a kind feeling which made us perhaps better than we are.

- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Well said eh??



PS: Hell! The 5th of June may not be our last day if we get even a semi-sadist to check our PM/MS papers! Totally screwed man! All my readers... pray... just pray!

PPS: and yes I did write that poem on my own.....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My tryst with destiny - Part II

Yes I know its my third blog in as many days...... But hey if you know that, it means you actually do read my blog, so I guess you really don't have any problems with me even writing everyday huh??

Well lets not digress any further. This post acts as a sequel to this post
so without further ado... lets go......... As I mentioned in the previous post, I will have a tryst with my destiny. The funny thing is that, I won't know if that tryst is the one I am looking for unless I actually do it.
Tomorrow I go to Sydneham Institute of Management Studies aand Research at Churchgate for my Group Discussion/Personal Interview round of the admission process. Is this my true tryst with destiny? I don't know! and being the immoral SOB that I am, if I make it through tomorrow, I shall surely proclaim it to be the one. But no matter what, this day will be life changing for me (right chillar? :) ) Win or Loose, In or Out, tomorrow will go a long way in shaping my next 5-10 years. I hope the change is for the better. And just for the record, yes I am shit scared. My parents have invested a lot of time and money and patience into me and this oppurtunity, I really don't want to waste this, not for my parents, cause they will gladly do the entire thing all over again but for me. Its time I took some responsibility on my own shoulders. I have a younger brother who needs to be shaped up and moulded for his future. I don't want to be a hindrance to that anymore. I wish that God gives me the strength to give my best and do well tomorrow.

As far as the rant that i had on life in my last post... sometimes life does give you a hard deal!! things happen over which you have absolutely no control and you are left shell shocked. Some thing of that sort happened to me and I vented my frustations via that post. You know I could have easily removed that post, but no, I want this blog to be a honest reflection of my feelings. I may not be a great writer but at the very least I know I am an honest one. I saw the Rocky Balboa movie yesterday and Rocky tels his son, " Life is not all sunshine and roses........ Its not about how hard you can hit, its all about how hard you can get hit and keep coming back......."
Hey thats very true. A decision beyond anyone's control had been made, there's no changing certain facts. But I will not back down, I will not submit.... keep on trudging, fighting and climbing......
You know why??? Because in the words of ACDC..............
"its a looong way to the top if you wanna rock n roll................."


PS: thanx sid.... tu nahin hota toh mera kya hota re.......... :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

When Life fucks you, there is nothing you can do

Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to live and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.
-Henry Van Dyke

as far as Mr. Henry Van Dyke goes, I say Fuck u bitch!!!!
who said life was fair man?? Life is anything but fair........ and you really don't have much choice! You know exactly what I am talking about. You are on the threshold of jumping into the true life(another fucked up cliche!), you are making grandiose plans for the future and then suddenly WHAM! Life comes out of nowhere and kicks you in your nuts. And man doesn't it hurt!
Why does life have to behave like such a bitch? And above all why did you choose me to be your guinea pig? What wrong have I done? I never asked you to make me anything , hell I haven't even asked you to make me human! You had no excuse Life, none at all, to come and fuck me upside down man! Yeah people will hide behind the old saying, "whatever happens happens for the good only......", Hey why don't you guys just come and kiss my big fat arse???? How the fuck do you decide what's good for me and what isn't ??? I do believe that I reserve the right to determine what is good for me and what is not!
So Life why don't you take your ugly face and flush it down the toilet? Come on, I deserve a break man! Hope springs eternal doesn't it?? Hey I wanna see that silver lining in that black cloud. Please life! Please....... Sometimes even the worst of us deserve a better chance. Hey come on life, do this for me..... I need a miracle to help me..... come on gimme some! I wish there was some divine power who specialized in cases like mine. I could have fired off a SOS to him/her. Look, I know I am not the perfect person or anything but there are some things which can be achieved without being perfect. Just show me some hope please.......



Friday, May 9, 2008

Just another viva...... not quite.......

Well, finally its done and dusted, all the files have been submitted, all reports signed, all journals checked, all submissions sheets filled...........................
the last questions have been answered, the last fleeting smiles to the internal examiner been given, finished peeping at the folded sheet in front of the examiner trying to figure out what the grades were, its over............
But its pretty difficult realizing it, I mean it really doesn't feel as if I will never ever be giving another viva at SFIT. Without realizing, vivas have become such a second nature to most of us, its hard to let go. You know I still remember my first viva, I think it was PCOM, and goddamn it I was so bloody scared! Mrs. Vincy Joseph was our internal examiner and whom it seemed as that time as the biggest sadist of them all was our external (sorry forgot his name!). I entered the lab and Vincy mam gave me a glare...... Ohh Shit! I almost peeed in my pants man! She was asking me some questions, and as expected I really did not answer one word...... the external then took pity and asked me some basic stuff which I could answer. Strange how the sadist changed into my guardian angel :D.
I am pretty much sure that each and every one who reads this blog will have hundreds of memories attached only with vivas. Guys hold on to them, they are pretty important and special... I wish I could compile some ofthe funniest and most amazing viva memories from our class and post it up here. I promise to do that in my next post.
And yes, my vivas are over. Never again will I sit on the stairs wondering when da fuck will the external examiner turn up, or what the fuck is he/she going to ask? I have given around 20 vivas in my time at SFIT, and now I can say with a lot of pride and nostalgia that I LOVED EACH AND EVERY MOMENT OF THEM... yeah some ppl will ask how can you love vivas? hey, the scene is different from this side of the fence! Guys enjoy the ride..... its worth all the bumps and bruises that you get along the way!
And finally as it is my custom here's a little quote.......................

"We do not know the true value of our moments until they have undergone the test of memory."
-Georges Duhamel

How true, isn't it? Well goodbye engineering vivas.... I'll miss you!
and winamp just played Knockin' on heavens door...........
Cheers ppl,

PS: hey there are gonna be a lot more senti posts............heheheh! lol :P
PPS: IT-2008, please lemme know any funny memories you can think of when it comes to vivas......

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Another fornight to go.........

Well guys there's just another fortnight to go before we bid adieu to our college life and step out into the real world, so i thought why not try and express what my friends mean to me ( yes, yes, there will be a farewell post pretty soon now!).
You see I thought that I would have to write like two posts for this cause I am blessed to have so many friends with whom I share so many wonderful memories and times spent together. But now as I write this post I realize that there can be no words that can do justice to these everlasting bonds of friendships that we have built over these years. But never one to back down from a challenge I will try my best to do some good at least.
The story begins in the year 2004 when a 5ft-11inch guy of around 90 kgs. took admission in St. Francis Institute of Technology. Hailing from a family of IITians, all his friends from JC were either in IIT or in some NIT. Not exactly the academic, he nevertheless did get into one of the most promising colleges in Mumbai. The first day he went to college he was christened BG ('badi gaand'), and he thought he would take umbrage at being labelled so. But when he saw that the naamkaran was out of friendship and not spite, the bile growing in his mouth slowly vanished, only to be replaced by a smile. A smile he was not to loose for the next 4 years. And so life went on for the next four years (for details either read the next posts or wait for that guy's autobiography!).
He had entered SFIT as a little dissappointed, disillusioned person who was absoultely not sure of himself, unable to take any cracks at his physique, wanting out every second. There he met many people who would shape his life, prominent among them being Sid, Steff, Sujay,
Maggie, Raj, Anush, Sushant, Anil, Colin, Deep, Ameya, Nishant, Sheetal, Kale, Saurabh, Ray, Indu, Kiru, Amu, Pandya, Piyush, Rao, Kedar, Kiddo, Anna, Tarun, Roy, Balya, Madtha,etc............... These are the people responsible for turning his life around for him. The guy will never be able to express his gratitude or mention his thanx to them for quite literaly helping him ressurect himself. He now stands supremely confident of himself, knowing that wether he goes right to the top of the tree or screws up his life royaly, these people will still call him BG. Its like that guy is on a life support system and they are his oxygen, something he absolutely cannot do without. The guys would like to thank each and every one of his friends for accepting him as he is, with all his faults and follies, with all his idiosynchronies, all is madness, all his haggu giri, for everything.

O friend, my bosom said,
Through thee alone the sky is arched.
Through thee the rose is red;
All things through thee take nobler form,
And look beyond the earth,
The mill-round of our fate appears
A sun-path in thy worth.
Me too thy nobleness has taught
To master my despair;
The fountains of my hidden life
Are through thy friendship fair.

I just wanted to let all you guys know that I really really love you, no matter what happens!

cheers ppl,


PS: yah i know i've been writing serious posts for quite some time and there is a need to break out of the mould.............. :D

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Trying to find Myself...........

Strange isn't it? You keep on groping about for some good, nice topic to blog on and then in an extraordinary act of serendipity someone just says something and you go like 'just wait a second....' ! One of my dearest friends was talking about the academic blemishes in life and said 'who am I?'. That set me thinking. In this blur of assignments and projects and God knows what else, we are leaving so much behind. Do we really know who we are?

I would really like everyone to at least once read Barrack Obama's Dreams from My Father. If you don't know Barrack Obama, you are probably from Mars. The book although an autobiography of sorts, tends to dwell a lot on the issues of racism and Obama's struggle to grasp his own true identity. I don't know why but somehow I could connect with his struggle, although he grew up in Hawaii whereas I grew up here in Mumbai.
Everybody has some nascent dreams in him or her. Its very rare that you find the choice to go along with your aptitude to follow what you want to; maybe you wanted to be rocker, maybe a railway-driver, an electrician, I remember telling my mom that one day I would become Superman! Try telling that to yourself one of these days! The point is that we have all become so engrossed in 'growing up', in doing what is right, we've left the child in us behind. The small child who wondered what made the moon disappear in the morning has been replaced by an 'adult' who does not give a damn about the moon anymore, only about securing a place at JBIMS.
The Matrix tells us that life is all about choice! Do you want the red pill or the blue pill ? All of us inadverently end up taking the latter. Where are the days when we were so carefree that time was not the 4th dimension, winning the cricket match was? Where are the days when choices were made not because of any considerations but just because we wanted it to be so. Gone are those days of glory, of hope, of despair, of boucing back, then of glory all over again!Life is cruel, it kills the child inside us and forces it to be an adult. Bound on all sides by the chains of responsibility, shackled and kept prisoner in the solitary confinement of academic exellence, it forces us to break down and submit, to tap out to its pressures.
But HOPE springs eternal my friends! With every dark cloud there is always the silver lining, no matter what! The fight is long and hard, but it will be fought nonetheless. Victory is no guarantee but the attempt will be made. I will find myself, cause deep down in the recesses of my heart, there is a small chamber. There at once protected as well as overshadowed by Life lives the child that was, no, is me. To get the child out of darkness into the light is the challenge that I have taken upon myself. Probably that is what life is all about.............
Finding yourself

Aging is not 'lost youth' but a new stage of opportunity and strength.
-Betty Friedan



Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why Keshav says we are not gays anymore.........

Well before you guys get any weird ideas into your pretty little heads, lemme make one thing clear, the title is not to be taken literally just figuratively! And those of who are in the B.E batch at SFIT will understand what i mean...... for all my international readers aw shucks.............

Well a few days ago Keshu, being utterly frustrated said that no of us are gays anymore cause gays dont play CS..... I mean what the fuck man???? Go figure.........
Well so I thought that why not blog about something that has been the buzz in town for the last few days, I am not talking about Viru's 300 (tho that's also a good topic :D), I am talking about CLAN-13.

CLAN-13 is the official name of the clan comprising of no less that 16 members, made up exclusively of students from the passing out batch of SFIT in 2008. This blog will introduce them to the world........
In Alphabetical order....(or maybe not.....)

Saurabh A.k.a BlackHearted

The guy credited with starting CLAN-13. The deadliest of snips, he is equally lethal with Carbines as he is with Grenades. Usual refrains about him are "Saala! kidhar se aake mara mujhe.....kamina saala". One of the top shots in the clan.

Cavin A.k.a Godspeed

Most people are of the opinion that his alais should have been God not Godspeed. Probably the deadlist sharpshooter in the clan, if you see him appearing, you had better start deciding what you are going to do for the next round. Prefers the ak to all other guns. he comes with a statuatory warning.......DO NOT CROSS HIS PATH.

Johnson A.k.a Stuffer

He is the singular reason why we have banned the user of mags in any of the maps. Give him a mag and there is no use of playing, he'll stuff you up for sure. The only player I have seen do a jump n drag n headshot while running with a mag. Tho mags are banned, he uses the ak as effectively. Just stay out of his sight!

Krunal A.k.a Pyaasa Haivan

Till I saw him play, I didn't know that a knife could be used to wipe out the entire opposite team. I swear to the Lord in his heaven, I have seen him knife the entire CT team which included Godspeed and Blackhearted. Can't say anything else can I????

Dominic A.k.a Venom

I think i would like to check this, we are allowed only 2 flashbangs, 1 hgrenade right??? Venom throws what seems like 10 of each, he is that damn good. His flashbangs are extraordinarily accurate and it isn't unusual to see 3 grenades flying through air at once, his release time is out of this world.

Viral A.k.a ShinChan

The smallest guy in the clan, he is the one who ususlly goes on serious frag sprees, getting even 20-25 at a stretch. uses only the ak and is usually a terorrist. Tremendously good at getting multiple head-shots.

Colin A.k.a Jackknight

This guy doesn't beleive in rifles. his preffered weapon is the deagle (b-1-4 for thos who don't know the name!) and he is good at it. His accuracy and head-shots are a sight to behold. Usually plays CT.

Sushant A.k.a ScorpionKing

Truly another pistol-pete. He also uses only the deagle. Prefers playing opposite Jacknight and has a personal battle with him going on, with each trying to outgun the other. Scorpion King is known for getting important frags at important times.

Siddhesh A.k.a Balatkari

As frag-thirsty as the name suggests, he is not exactlyknow for outgunning the oposition but rather for his intelligent play. Knows when to rush and when to camp, he is the quintessential team player. Prefers the carnbine to all other guns.

Nishant A.k.a Raat kaa Raja

Relatively new to the game, he is fast improving to become one of the feared gunners in the clan. Still succeptible to grenades and flashbangs, he helps the team by sacrificing himself in order to let his teammates know where the opposition is. Oh and did i mention that his spray while flashbanged is extraordinarily accurate?

Sujay A.k.a Immortal

Immortal is known to take a quick frag or two in the beginning of the round and then get killed. He needs to get rid of his habit to run with a grenade in hand. Has a stable hand but a slow internet connection....... prefers the ak to all guns.

Raju A.k.a Rage

The newbie in the group, is till trying to find his feet in the game. As of now a free frag! tho the latest news is that he head-shotted Black

Ameya A.k.a Voldemort

Camping master, usually the butt of many jokes he is pretty deadly with the maverick. usually Dependable, do not let this guy get into a groove, he'll kill ya!

Shashank A.k.a Shantipriya

Tho his form has seen a recent dip, form is temporary, class is permanent! He is amazing with the ak. Another player who is dependable upon in many situations, usually bails out his team in times of great need.

Anush A.k.a AvinJax

This guys deserves credit for starting the whole logo/blog thing. Another person finding his feet in the game, his play with the maverick is ever improving! loves to get cheap frags, take him lightly at your own sweet cost!

Omkar A.k.a Moksha

Well if you din't guess, that's me. A good shooter with steady aim and an expert at close combat, i prefer the carbine to all guns and have good vision while throwing grenades. Need to improve my mag play. Quite deadly when in form, have been known to murder everyone in my path including Godspeed, Blackharted, Stuffer, etc. Probably best known for getting frags by diffusing bombs, I am the resident Bomb-diffuser expert in the clan.

Seema aka Kiddo

First and foremost my profuse apologies to Cma for not including her initially. She is the only female member of the clan. Do not fall for her innocent looks and name. She will so kill you...... deft with the AK she usually play T. Also known for her frag sprees...... Not unlike Beatrix Kiddo from the Kill Bill movies............

Well thats about it.................



PS: check out our pics on our orkut profiles..........damn kool! and watch out for the next post....the much awaited blog about Anil Keshav is on the anvil :P

Sunday, February 24, 2008

its all about breaking Barricades...............

First and foremost, my heartiest congratulations to the IRIS'08 core committee(except for a few reservations, henceforth called 'they' ) for having a smashing fest.In the tiring circumstances you did a fantastic job.
But there are a few points i would like to dwell upon.............
After the annual day was over, the IRIS'07 committee, that is US, spent a few moments on stage after the lights had gone off. Probably the most poignant moments on our 4 years. WHY?? because we have spent the greater part of our last 3 years giving both sweat and blood for IRIS. Because there is no one else who feels the way we do about IRIS. We've seen it all. From fights at home to KTs to God knows what not. What we have done for IRIS needs to go down in Francis Legend. And this is true for the batch before ours also.So what am I getting at??? In one word...........RESPECT!
And there was an extraordinary lack of it from certain quarters. And that brings us to they. There were quite a few incidents that could be deemed under the NO-RESPECT category, but one stands out for me amongst all other.
Cut-back to the DJ-Nite. Due to lack of security, some jerk manages to reach DJ-Rink and talks to her. And they decide that it was our fault. So what do they do? They decide to clear the barricade of all B.E's. Fair enough! But when a certain Mr. Deeraj Rao went and stood next to the barriers, they PUSHED, yes PUSHED Deeraj out. Now for the un-initiated Rao is like the cornerstone of our committee. Even if you take all the work they have done in the past 3 years it will be soooooo much lesser than what Rao has done in even one fest! If anyone deserves respect its Rao!

David Brin famously said , "It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power." The power has gone to their heads. Well all i can say is WELL DONE! we were looking for some timepass in our last 3 months and you have given it to us. So you had better watched out.
Now for some personal messages..........
@ the person who was getting extra aggressive at the rock-show:
@ mallu:
Sorry you man!
ummm that's about it.............
Well to end on a cheerier note, the most abiding memory of this year's IRIS will be the JEC Siddhant Rai taking bottles on to the stage when Junkyard Groove asked for water. Dude you are the man!

Well guys cannot say hasn't been an eventful IRIS.........
Just wish I had broken the barricades though.........


PS:if anybody knows any mental torture schemes please mail them to me at or scrap me on orkut!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

4 kickass days and a new year!

First and foremost, apologies to all my readers for not posting for soooo long. I owe this absence to a strange and unfortunate concatenation of circumstances!!! But I am back (with a vengeance!)

So what do you get when you add an IIT genius, a model for Talwalkar's before/after weight loss program, a bat and 2 fatsos ??????? One helluva reunion and 4 kickass days! (Ohh yah and throw in loads of food and a horse for good measure, along with one really kool aunty and a PIT STOP!)
"Samajhdar ko ishara kaafi hota hai!" -----> lol guys!
Arpit came down from New Delhi and despite having an Image Processing paper, I have never ever had so much fun in my entire life! Thanks man, all the credit goes to you. And Arpit,before you smirk even more, there will be no sentimental dialogs here! That stuff is reserved for the Red Box Cafe! Thanks for the treat buddy.......
Well, to sum it up, the last 4 days of December 2007 could probably be the most wonderful and memorable days of my life, unless our plan of a trip in May-June materializes........nothing will ever come close to that boss!

The year ended with a bang and heralded the onset of 2008. With 2 papers, 4 results and a Goa trip thrown in between, it sure resembles one hell of a slobber-knocker start! Well following is my list of resolutions for 2008:
1) Grow fitter
2) Stop using a scrap-all on Orkut...(they are such a pain in the a**!)
3) Grow thinner
4) Get into a good B-school
5) Reduce Fat
6) No semester studies...(as if I ever did them.....heheheheheh!)
7) Improve Stamina
8) Finish B.E Project
9) Stop eating junk food
and finally..............
10) Cherish all the moments that i spend with my friends and foes alike.......coz i really dont have any foes....and keep some crazy memories for the rest of my life.........

"its a long long road to tripeppary......................."


PS: Hope you have a smashing year ahead, may you get all your wishes fulfilled and your dreams come true........